Webinar: UrbanMain & the COVID-19 Response
Tues., April 28 from 11:00am - 12:00pm CDT
The COVID-19 pandemic has hit urban areas hardest, with research emerging on the disparate impacts on communities of color. Urban commercial districts are responding to social and economic challenges through direct policy interventions with municipalities to retain vitality. Yet, many businesses in distressed districts were already "behind the curve" relative to retail strategies and will be more significantly impacted by the shutdown. Join this UrbanMain webinar to hear how neighborhood commercial district managers are quickly responding with local policy initiatives, small business e-commerce tools, and grants to meet the needs of their communities.
Tues., April 28 from 11:00am - 12:00pm CDT
The COVID-19 pandemic has hit urban areas hardest, with research emerging on the disparate impacts on communities of color. Urban commercial districts are responding to social and economic challenges through direct policy interventions with municipalities to retain vitality. Yet, many businesses in distressed districts were already "behind the curve" relative to retail strategies and will be more significantly impacted by the shutdown. Join this UrbanMain webinar to hear how neighborhood commercial district managers are quickly responding with local policy initiatives, small business e-commerce tools, and grants to meet the needs of their communities.
Standards for Excellence
Tulsa Trainers: Johnny Buschardt and Dan Billingsley
OKC Trainers: Jerry Wright and Kim Leveridge
Standards for Excellence is a nationally accredited curriculum that teaches best practices for nonprofit management, governance and legal compliance. Topics include specific benchmarks and measures that provide a structured approach to building capacity, accountability, and sustainability in your organization. READ MORE
Register for Apr. 29-30
Skills for Effective Public Speaking
Trainer: Jerry Wright
Build skills for effective public speaking, including public speaking essentials, delivering a powerful and persuasive message, connecting with your audience and creating visually pleasing presentations.
Register for Apr. 21
Measuring Program Evaluation and Impact
Tulsa Trainer: Johnny Buschardt
OKC Trainer: Kim Leveridge
This course will expose you to best practices for measuring true impact of your organization through methods for program evaluation. Learn how to capture “the why” of your organization, how to utilize logic models, basics of qualitative data gathering and communicating your organization’s impact.
Register for Apr. 21
Register for May 14
Roberts Rules of Order
Trainer: Jerry Wright
Learn the basics of Roberts Rules of Order for parliamentary procedure, and understand the relevant pieces of this procedure for governing nonprofit board meetings.
Register for Apr. 29
Scholarships are available!
Through generous support from around the state, scholarships to OKCNP classes are available for those who apply. When you register for a class, look for the scholarship option.
Only OKCNP members are eligible for scholarships. If you have questions regarding the scholarship application process, please contact Debra Hull at [email protected]
Marketing Summit
Trainer: Jody Britt
This summit will provide the non-marketing and the new/intermediate marketing professional a foundation for nonprofit marketing practices. Discussions include identifying target audiences, marketing and promotion strategy and goals, and engaging your audience.
Register for May 12
Leading When Change Happens
Trainer: Kim Leveridge
Every organization goes through changes. Even the most tactical (seemingly basic) change in process, system or personnel can leave a team reeling. Learn techniques to gather momentum, set course and persevere through change to rally action and accomplishment.
Register for May 13
Register for May 19
Fundraising Summit II
A continuation of Fundraising Summit I, this summit leads attendees on a deep dive into advanced stewardship and cultivation techniques that are proven to retain donors and move them up the fundraising ladder. READ MORE
Register for May 13
Register for May 20
The Partnership
Trainer: Marnie Taylor
This limited class is offered only a few times each year to provide executives and board chairs an exclusive opportunity to set the framework for their unique partnership. Whether you are just starting with your “partner" or are mid-way through, this seminar provides practical guidance for navigating your own unique “partnership.”
Register for May 14
Finding Balance through Time Management
Trainer: Kim Leveridge
This three-hour training session teaches attendees time management skills, including how to build personal organizational strategies and implement a time management program for your organization and other.
Register for May 21
Nonprofit Management Certification: Fundamental Intensive
Trainers: Janetta Cravens, Johnny Buschardt and Kim Leveridge
This program helps nonprofit employees develop leadership and supervisory skills. Through training sessions taught by experts in the field, participants will have an opportunity to apply and practice new skills as well as benefit from networking and confidential space to discuss issues and gain confidence. Intensives allow attendees to learn over the course of a full week. READ MORE
Register for May 25-29
Register for June 22-26
Is your event being rescheduled or canceled due to the COVID19 pandemic? Let us know!
With emergency restrictions in place across Oklahoma, many charitable events have been canceled or postponed. If your organization's event falls into this category, please let us know so we can update your event on our calendar!
View the list of canceled/postponed events or add your event to the list
OKCNP Connection events are FREE for both members and not-yet-members and will take place VIRTUALLY. Join us and engage with our network of Oklahoma nonprofits and OKCNP staff. If you have a colleague you know would benefit, please bring them along!
Membership Connection Webinar
Apr. 29, 1:30 - 2:30 p.m.
For new and long-time members alike, join this free webinar to learn more about the Member Benefits associated with your OKCNP membership, including more information about the digital media kit for members.
Register the Webinar (Apr. 29)
April 2020
21 Effective Public Speaking
21 Program Evaluation and Measuring Impact
22 Fundraising Summit 1
28 Leading When Change Happens
29 Roberts Rules of Order
29-30 Standards for Excellence
30 The Partnership
May 2020
12 Marketing Summit
13 Fundraising Summit II
14 The Partnership
14 Program Evaluation and Measuring Impact
19 Leading When Change Happens
20 Fundraising Summit II
21 Finding Balance through Time Management
25-29 NMC: Fundamental Intensive
June 2020
22-26 NMC: Fundamental Intensive